Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Not immortal...

If I am cut, I will bleed.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Recipe for Pumpkin Cake

1. Attempt to make Pumpkin Fudge for the first time, the night before Iron Chef Competition. Find the best recipe and adapt it based on comments on-line. Do not use a candy thermometer - those are for wimps.

2. Put on some music and have a blast stirring and stirring while the fudge boils on the stovetop.

3. Pour Fudge mixture into backing dish. Stare and fudge while it is supposed to be setting, and wonder why it is not turning into fudge.

4. Regroup

5. Bake a chocolate cake with pumpkin in it. Turn "fudge" into frosting by adding some confectioner's sugar. When choco-pumpkin cake cools, frost it with the pumpkin frosting.

6. Enjoy.

You're insane

It's kind of like dating, you gotta be careful before you let out the crazy.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Beep beep boop beep

All interns can talk to each other in their own special language. Its called the INTERNet.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Design Director's Review of AVATAR

I mean, it was okay. I wish there were more nips though. Yeah. Not enough nip.

All but the kitchen sink

She's down for anything; threesome, pickles.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Purple cape = gay?

He is the fruitiest bisexual wizard ever.

Bite me!

I didn't chew on it, I inherited it!

What happens when HR, the principles, and the senior designers leave

Is it just the 3 of us here? Isn't there a bottle of wine in the fridge?

Views on trick-or-treating

I live in the ghetto. I'm not going to open the door for people I don't know. I'll just sit at home with all the lights off.

The crossword puzzles in Maxim are hard

Long, straight and this crossword puzzle from Maxim?

We only design REALLY ugly ones

There are a lot of ugly ones. We didn't design those.

Appropriate lunch conversation

She's my mouth.