Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cover your ears...

Get your mind out of the gutter! There's an intern present!

We work as a team

Designer 1: Does anyone have any gum?
Designer 2: No, but I have some oregano-scented hand sanitizer.
Designer 3: I think there's some bleach and Pine Sol under the sink.

That's what she said [while bookbinding]

It's too big! It won't fit!

I fucking hate you

So what you're saying is, we've been teaching kung fu but should be teaching ken po.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

So much work, so little time...

Aren't you just an intern?

Oh that sounds yummy!

Look, you can get the sexy cougar OR the cradle for two.

Are you going to offer us your nuts?

I don't want your pity peanuts.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cheesus's 11th Commandment

Thou shalt not long for cheese.

If gays make fun of gays...

Can I make fun of gays?

Getting drinks is hard

Designer 1 "Hey, since you're up, can you grab me a coke?"
Designer 2 "Sure, I mean, the intern is sitting right there, but sure, I'll get it for you."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

No, they only teach us how to use 4x5 cameras

Are you familiar with digital cameras?


My dog looks like a gay wizard.